Web Based: Faculty Senate Academic Administrator Survey


Please enter your NKU username and password. If you do not remember your password you can reset it online at password.nku.edu.


Data Security Statement

This website is maintained by the Office of Information Technology of Northern Kentucky University and was developed to help the Faculty Senate carry out its annual survey of academic administrator performance.

The website conceals a respondent's identity and data from unwarranted disclosure in three ways.

  1. The website uses an encryption process similar to that employed by financial institutions (such as PayPal) to disguise the user's identity.
  2. The quantitative ratings of respondents are reported to the administrator in aggregated form (e.g., as percentages, means, and standard deviations). Comments are reported anonymously, but respondents must recognize that the substance of a comment itself can be an identifier.
  3. The raw ratings and comments are rendered anonymous by removing the encrypted information from the database when the survey period closes.

During the survey process, Information Technology staff will use the respondent's encrypted identity in order to calculate response rates, to prevent respondents from reviewing the same administrator multiple times, and to permit respondents to save unfinished work and return to complete it at some later time.

Please refer questions or concerns about data security to either the Office of the Faculty Senate c/o Grace Hiles (hilesg1@nku.edu), or the IT Help Desk (helpdesk@nku.edu).